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Maturity Indonesia Press

Reform of the press continued to experience growth during the last 10 years. "Freedom" in providing information to the primary key in the development of the press in Indonesia. But apparently there are still misunderstanding of freedom of the press it self for the media people in Indonesia. The freedom that should still be in the order of the norms prevailing in Indonesia, but sometimes the media does not understand what freedom is it.

Maybe you also noticed that now often found either the content of print media coverage and electronic media to the provocative, pessimistic, defamation, until the sheep came impression contest. Strangely it seems to Indonesia people thrilled with the news model. Look at the infotainment that in one day can equal five daily prayers.

For example, when the issue of SBY's cabinet has been formed, some media are making news as a headline pessimism. News about ready pessimistic about the characters who sit in the cabinet Volume II Unified I think legitimate. But it should also be accompanied by the news that is optimistic. To be more balanced and the reader is not stuck to one direction.

Media education should become a means for his readers, not as a trigger new conflicts. This article is not to oppose the current development of the press, but merely a suggestion that the media should be more mature and honorable in presenting a story. Without the media, who knows what this country would.


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