Tugu Jogja, is one of famous tour place and historic monument in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The monument is stand on meeting point of Pangeran Mangkubumi Street, Jendral Sudirman Street, A.M Sangaji Street, and Diponegoro Street, Yogyakarta City. The monument has built one year after Keraton Yogyakarta (The palace of Yogyakarta) was builded. The monument describe Manunggaling Kawula Gusti (The technical term of Javanese language) or the unity spirit of citizenry and the authorities to fight colonial.
The unity spirit was described in the monument, the shape of monument's pole is cylinder or gilig (The technical term of Javanese language) and the shape of the top is circle or golong (The technical term of Javanese language), so the monument is called "Tugu Golong-Gilig". The height the monument is about 25 meters.
But the monument was fall out caused by earthquake in 10 Juni 1867. In 1889, Netherland's goverment renovated the monument. The monument has made with shape square, and each side has been decorated with some epigraphy which told who people involving in that renovation. The top of monument not circle anymore but has changed become pointed cone. The monument's height is lower. Only 15 meters or 10 meters lower than at first. Since that renovation, the monument's name changed become De Witt Paal or "Tugu Pal Putih".
Original sketch of "Tugu Jogja"

"Tugu Jogja" in 1928

"Tugu Jogja" in 2009

History source:
The unity spirit was described in the monument, the shape of monument's pole is cylinder or gilig (The technical term of Javanese language) and the shape of the top is circle or golong (The technical term of Javanese language), so the monument is called "Tugu Golong-Gilig". The height the monument is about 25 meters.
But the monument was fall out caused by earthquake in 10 Juni 1867. In 1889, Netherland's goverment renovated the monument. The monument has made with shape square, and each side has been decorated with some epigraphy which told who people involving in that renovation. The top of monument not circle anymore but has changed become pointed cone. The monument's height is lower. Only 15 meters or 10 meters lower than at first. Since that renovation, the monument's name changed become De Witt Paal or "Tugu Pal Putih".
Original sketch of "Tugu Jogja"

"Tugu Jogja" in 1928

"Tugu Jogja" in 2009

History source: