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Broccoli, Prevent Lungs Diseases

Everybody knows the broccoli. All researcher has proven the broccoli as good food for body healthy. A new research proved the broccoli has some nutrition good for respration healthy, specifically for lungs.

Kompas wrote that the researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA, says the broccoli's nutrition can decreasing the quantity of disease cells that can causing lungs diseases. The nutrition is called sulforapane has proved can increasing NRF2 protein in lungs's cells and give protection for disease threath which causing by toxin or poison.

In the research written on American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, researcher has find low concentrate of NRF2 in all smokers which have lungs obstructive chronic disease (COPD). NRF2 genetic has important for activated the some important mechanism likes destroy the poison which can damaged the cells.

In the laboratory trying, the research who lead by Dr Shyam Biswal succed proved the sulforapane can increasing NRF2 when the quantity was decreasing cause cigarette smoke. The increasing of NRF2 with sulforapane trust will become a medicinal treatment and prevent form COPD. COPD is a disturbing in lungs chronic like caught, asthmatic, nipple, and include a lot phlegm. That can annoy lungs functions and make consequence for heart complication. If this not to prevent or to poitionong, COPD would make human cannot doing their activities normall and usually died in young age.


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