I'm proud be Indonesia people. Althought this country isn't free from politics chaotic, unstable economic, the security still has been inquired, disasters come alternately, but I still proud be Indonesia people. How about you? Sometime, I don't understand why some Indonesia people want to change their nasionality with other nasionality. If we compare our country with another country like Euro or America, we can say Indonesia doesnt go forwarding than them. With all they have more, Are they have what our country have? In Indonesia, start from Sabang until Merauke, we can see everything. Ocean riches, Mountain, beautiful beach, savannah, unique culture, delicious foods, natural resources like cruide oil up to gold, Indonesia have all. So, we should to be proud with our country, Indonesia. Why we still think other home is better than our home? Foreign people also know that our people is the most friendly people in the world. We can see some of them exactly want to be Indonesia...